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Molecular basis of human genetic diseases fakultatywny| - Biotechnology - ogólnoakademicki - II stopień - I i II st. magisterskich - |13662021-05-05 6

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Molecular basis of human genetic diseases

Sylabus zajęć

Informacje podstawowe

Kierunek studiów
Jednostka organizacyjna
Wydział Biologii
Poziom studiów
Studia drugiego stopnia
Forma studiów
Studia stacjonarne
Profil studiów
Profil ogólnoakademicki
Cykl dydaktyczny
Języki wykładowe
Blok zajęciowy
Przedmioty nieprzypisane
Koordynator zajęć
dr hab. Katarzyna Raczyńska,
Prowadzący zajęcia
dr hab. Katarzyna Raczyńska,, mgr Sandra Wejnerowska,
Semestr 1
Forma zajęć / liczba godzin / forma zaliczenia
  • Konwersatorium: 6, Ćwiczenia/laboratoria: 30, Zaliczenie z oceną
Liczba punktów ECTS

Cele kształcenia dla zajęć

1 Learn genetic diseases and their influence on cell metabolism, exemplified by Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Fragile X–associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS); 2. Testing the influence of ALS-linked FUS mutations and FXTAS-associated poly(CGG) expansion on protein localization, cell cycle progression and ribosome assembly; 3. Learn the general rules of mammalian cell lines in culture; 4. Learn different methods of transfection and transduction of mammalian cell lines; 5. Learn different strategies to knockdown (silencing), knockout (CRISPR/CAS9) and overexpression of proteins; 6. Learn methods of protein co-localization, protein-protein and protein-RNA interaction in vivo (IF, FISH, PLA, RNA-PLA); 7. Learn cell cycle and cell synchronization, analysis of DNA content by flow cytometer; 8. Learn the structure of ribosomes and polysomes, procedure of polysome profiling; 9. Learn how to write short scientific report.

Wymagania wstępne

Academic knowledge of the genetics, biochemistry and molecular biology of the cell.

Efekty uczenia się dla zajęć

Symbol EU dla zajęć/przedmiotuPo zakończeniu zajęć i potwierdzeniu osiągnięcia EU student/ka:Symbole EK dla kierunku studiów
Efekt_01Know general laboratory safety procedures, according to BHP rulesK_W16, K_W17, K_K05, K_K09
Efekt_02List human genetic diseases, describe theirs causes, molecular basis and symptoms K_W04, K_U08
Efekt_03Maintain mammalian cells in culture: growth, collection and transfection K_W05, K_W06, K_U05, K_K05, K_K07, K_K04
Efekt_04Describe strategies of transfection and transduction of mammalian cellsK_W05, K_W06, K_W11, K_W13
Efekt_05Describe strategies of transient and stable knockdown (silencing), knockout (CRISPR/CAS9) and overexpression of genes and proteins respectivelyK_W05, K_W10, K_W06, K_W07, K_W11, K_W12, K_W13, K_U08
Efekt_06Describe methods for protein-protein and protein-RNA interactions and co-localization in vivoK_W05, K_W06, K_W12, K_W13
Efekt_07Prepare samples for IF, use microscope to see results, analysis of resultsK_W04, K_W05, K_W10, K_W12, K_K05, K_K07, K_U04, K_U05, K_K05, K_K07, K_K04
Efekt_08Describe cell cycle progression, methods used for cell cycle synchronization, reasons of cell cycle arrest, methods of cell cycle analysisK_W04, K_W12, K_U04, K_U05, K_U08
Efekt_09Describe prokaryotic and eukaryotic ribosomes, translation, application of polysome profilingK_W12, K_U04, K_U05, K_U08
Efekt_10Know available sources of scientific publications and how to use them to get necessary information K_K02, K_K01, K_U08, K_W08
Efekt_11Know how to prepare short scientific report based on the knowlegde aciured during the courseK_W05, K_W08, K_W13, K_U01, K_U03, K_U04, K_U07, K_U08, K_U09, K_K02, K_K03

Treści programowe

Lp. Treści programowe dla zajęć/przedmiotu Symbol EU dla zajęć/przedmiotu

Safe work in the laboratory


Examples of human genetic diseases, molecular basis of pathogenesis

Efekt_02, Efekt_11

Type of cell lines, general rules for mammalian cell culture

Efekt_03, Efekt_11

Different strategies for transfection and transduction of mammalian cells

Efekt_03, Efekt_04, Efekt_11

Different strategies of knockdown (silencing), knockout (CRISPR/CAS9) and overexpression of genes and proteins

Efekt_05, Efekt_11

Passaging of cells, counting of cells, seeding cells for transfection, inducing of shRNA production by doxycycline

Efekt_03, Efekt_04, Efekt_05

Transfection of cells with plasmid encoding wild type FUS, ALS-associated FUS mutant and plasmid encoding polyglycine-GFP protein using Viromer and Lipofectamine 3000 transfection reagent

Efekt_03, Efekt_04

Immunofluorescence staining of transfected cell: washing, fixation, incubation with primary and secondary antibodies, staining of nuclei using DAPI

Efekt_06, Efekt_07

Basis of confocal microscope; methods of protein-protein and RNA-protein interaction analysis in vivo using confocal microscope (IF, FISH, PLA, RNA-PLA), visualization of optimal results using pre-made slides

Efekt_06, Efekt_07, Efekt_11

Using the confocal microscopy to analyze the mislocalization of FUS protein within the cell and observation of poliglycine protein aggregation in the cytoplasm. Discussing the molecular consequences of genetic diseases, such as ALS and FXTAS.

Efekt_02, Efekt_06, Efekt_07, Efekt_11

Cell cycle analysis: release cells from G2/M arrest, collecting cells in 4 time points, staining of cells with propidium iodide.


Analysis of their DNA content using flow cytometer.


Testing and discussing the influence of FUS knockout, knockdown, overexpression and mutation on cell cycle progression.

Efekt_08, Efekt_05, Efekt_02, Efekt_11

Polysome profiling: cytoplasmic extract preparation, continuous glycerol gradient preparation, separation of ribosomes, monosomes and polysomes on gradient by ultracentrifugation, fractionation using BioComp system.

Efekt_09, Efekt_11

Testing and discussing the influence of FUS knockout, knockdown, overexpression and mutation on ribosome assambly

Efekt_05, Efekt_09, Efekt_02

Learning how to use available sources of scientific publications and write short scientific report based on the knowlegde aciured during the course

Efekt_11, Efekt_10

Informacje dodatkowe

Metody i formy prowadzenia zajęć
Sposoby ocenianiaSymbole EK dla modułu zajęć/przedmiotu
Kryteria oceniania wg skali stosowanej w UAM
bardzo dobry (bdb; 5,0):
dobry plus (+db; 4,5):
dobry (db; 4,0):
dostateczny plus (+dst; 3,5):
dostateczny (dst; 3,0):
niedostateczny (ndst; 2,0):


Wydawnictwa książkowe

    1. BROWN T.A.: Genomes, Gerland Science Publishing, New York, USA, 2007
    2. ALLISON L.A.: Fundamental Molecular Biology, Blacwell Publishing, Malden, USA, 2007
    3. STRYER L.: Biochemistry, Macmillan Publishers, Basingstoke, UK, 2017
    4. WĘGLEŃSKI P.: Genetyka molekularna, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa, Polska, 2017

Artykuły w czasopismach

    1. Lagier-Tourenne, C., Polymenidou, M., Cleveland, D.W. (2010): TDP-43 and FUS/TLS: emerging roles in RNA processing and neurodegeneration, Hum. Mol. Genet., 19 R46-R64
    2. Sama, R.R.K., Ward, C.L., Bosco, D.A. (2015): Functions of FUS/TLS From DNA Repair to Stress Response: Implications for ALS, ASN Neuro, 6
    3. Bosco, D.A., Lemay, N., Ko, H.K., Zhou, H., Burke, C., Kwiatkowski, T.J., Sapp, P., McKenna-Yasek, D., Brown, R.H., Hayward, L.J. (2010): Mutant FUS proteins that cause amyotrophic lateral sclerosis incorporate into stress granules, Hum. Mol. Genet., 19, 4160-4175
    4. Vance, C., Scotter, E.L., Nishimura, A.L., Troakes, C., Mitchell, J.C., Kathe, C., Urwin, H., Manser, C., Miller, C.C., Hortobágyi, T., et al. (2013): ALS mutant FUS disrupts nuclear localization and sequesters wild-type FUS within cytoplasmic stress granules, Hum. Mol. Genet., 22, 2676-2688
    5. Romeo, V., Griesbach, E., Schümperli, D. (2014): CstF64: Cell Cycle Regulation and Functional Role in 3= End Processing of Replication-Dependent Histone mRNAs, Mol. Cell Biol., 34, 4272-4284
    6. Krichevsky, A.M., Kosik K.S.. (2001): Neuronal RNA granules: a link between RNA localization and stimulation-dependent translation, Neuron, 32, 683-696
    7. Jackman, J, .O’Connor, P.M. (1998): Methods for synchronizing cells at specific stages of the cell cycle, Curr. Prot. in Cell Biol., 8.3.1-8.3.20
    8. Tate, S., Ferrigno, P.K. (2005): Cell cycle: synchronization at various stages, Encyclopedia of Life Sciences,
    9. Hagerman, P.J., Hagerman, R.J. (2015): Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome, Ann N Y Acad Sci ., 1338: 58–70

Nakład pracy studenta i punkty ECTS

Forma aktywności Średnia liczba godzin* na zrealizowanie aktywności
Godziny zajęć (wg planu studiów) z nauczycielem
Praca własna studenta:
Przygotowanie do zajęć
Czytanie wskazanej literatury
Przygotowanie pracy pisemnej, raportu, prezentacji, demonstracji, itp.
Przygotowanie projektu
Przygotowanie pracy semestralnej
Przygotowanie do egzaminu / zaliczenia

* godzina (lekcyjna) oznacza 45 minut